
dinsdag 16 oktober 2012

Challenge 91 Beads of courage

De Diva challenge van deze week heeft als titel ' Beads of Courage'. Ik vind dit een geweldig initiatief. Want chronisch zieke kinderen zijn inderdaad heel moedig. Ze moeten vaak vervelende onderzoeken ondergaan, en worden voortdurend geconfronteerd met vervelende aspecten van hun ziekte. Ik heb dan ook bijzonder veel respect voor deze kinderen. Ik spreek uit ervaring, want mijn dochter lijdt aan een chronische ziekte. (Duchenne). Ik draag mijn werk dan  ook op aan haar en alle andere kinderen die lijden aan de ziekte van Duchenne.

The Diva challenge of this week has as title: ' Beads of Courage'. I think this is great. Because children with a chronic illness have a lot of courage indeed. The have to get examinations in hospitals, and they often are confronted with all the aspects of their illness. They deserve respect for that according to my opinion. I know what I'm talking about, I have a daugther with a chronic illness (Duchenne dystrofy) and she is always laughing despite of her illness. I dedicate this string with beads of courage to her and all the childeren who suffer this illness. 

Thank you  Laura for this great challenge.  

20 opmerkingen:

  1. What a beautiful Dare! The soft green and pink are lovely. Your tangles are wonderful and the way you worked the illness into the beads is great. So sorry to hear your daughter is afflicted with this horrendous ailment. My heart goes out to you and her. With this Dare I have learned about two new (to me) syndromes that happen to children and it makes me ever so sad. May God grant you the stamina and resources to deal with this illness.

  2. Sorry about your daughter. What a fitting tribute to her with such a unique personal string of beads.

  3. What a wonderful feeling that goes with the graceful bead design!

  4. Courage for you and your daughter - a lovely tangle in her honor.

  5. May God bless both you and your daughter. Your tangle is lovely.

  6. So delightfully delicate! Thank you for sharing.

  7. I like how it spreads from one tile aree to another!

  8. Wat een prachtige zia voor een vreselijke ziekte. Dat je je werk opdraagt aan kinderen met deze ziekte is een mooi gebaar.

  9. Your art piece shows the love, courage, and joy that is coming out of you and your family.

  10. Goed om hierbij stil te staan, al die kindjes en al die nare zaken. Er zijn zoveel grote mensen die ook lijden. Bestaat er ook zoiets hen? Verdrietig dat jouw dochter aan zo'n nare ziekte lijd.

  11. Your use of the soft pink and green and the delicate bead design are so beautiful. Such a heartbreak to have a chronically ill child. I two grandsons who are insulin dependent because of Diabetes, Type One. But the children seem to accept their lot in life and are happy nonetheless.

  12. Very nice - delicate, beautifully colored, love your background squares and the needle!

  13. Wat mooi geworden en wat leuk dat de naald er nog aan zit, het verhaal is nog niet afgelopen
    groetjes Janita

  14. Beautiful, Diana. I love your colour choices and the background design. A lovely tribute to your daughter.

  15. This is so delicate with the pink and green, and I like how you added the needle to the string. God bless your daughter and all the children who are struggling with illness.

  16. diana - this is lovely. the colors you picked must be ones your daughter loves :). thanks for sharing your daughter's story with us. i first looked at your tile and saw the writing on the beads and knew you must have something personal to share with us. i appreciate laura giving us this challenge - touching the hearts of so many people. lifting you and your wonderful daughter up in prayer today.

  17. This is a very pretty tile. I really like the soft colors.

  18. Beautiful dedication to your daughter.
