Deze week een Use My Tangle uitdaging. Het patroontje van Anne Marks genaamd Camelia, is het patroon waar we mee aan de slag gaan. Ik moet eerlijk bekennen dat het geen patroontje is wat is al zoekend zou gaan gebruiken, maar eenmaal ermee aan de slag gaand, kom je er pas achter hoe veelzijdig dit patroon kan zijn. Door het toevoegen van andere patroontjes binnen het patroon, en door het uitvoeren van de swirls in diverse richtingen, kun je dit patroon een heel eigen aanzicht geven. Dus al met al een zeer geslaagde UMT uitdaging, want zoals zo vaak, heb ik heerlijk genoten van een patroontje wat ik normaal gesproken niet zou uitkiezen. Bedankt Laura voor deze uitdaging, en natuurlijk Anne voor het delen van dit patroon.
This week an Use My Tangle challenge. The pattern choosen by our Diva is from Anne Marks and it is named Camelia. I have to admit it is a pattern I myself would never choose to use. But... once I played with it, I saw how many possibilities this pattern has, you can give it a total different look by adding other tangles with in the pattern, or playing with the direction of the swirls. I have enjoyed this challenge very much and I do have to thank Laura for challenging me to use tangles I would never choose and of course I have to thank Anne for sharing this wonderful pattern with us.
dinsdag 29 april 2014
donderdag 24 april 2014
DC 164: Earth Day 2014

This weeks challenge is all about Earth Day, april 22th. It is hard for me to come up with something, just like last year I had a hard time on this one. Thereby I was busy because 3 of my 4 kids are having birthday this week, so I made come cake and waffles for our visitors. This morning I was awake very early, so I was looking in my new book of Zenspirations by Joanne Fink, and there I found the inspiration for this weeks challenge. Sea with fish, tree with a bird and ofcourse the sun. All just a little filled with some patterns, and colored with my pastel chalk.
woensdag 16 april 2014
DC 163: Playing with Rixties

Playing with Rixties is my title for this zendala. It is a pattern with lots of possibilities. I have been playing around with Rixties for some time but never used it in a piece of Art. So I was really glad Laura made this challenge. Right away I knew I wanted to do it as a Zendala. So I took my Strathmore Grey toned sketch block, draw a circle and started with rixties in a circle. After that I did some variations and a little change of the scape of rixties, wich becomes a Rixties leaf, I love that one, easy to use in tangled garden pieces.
Thanks to Laura for creating this great challenge, and of course Maria, for making such a beautiful pattern.
And all the readers of my blog, I want to thank your for the comments I recieve.
dinsdag 8 april 2014
DC 162 : My initials as a string

dinsdag 1 april 2014
DC 161 Quandary
Quandary is one of my favorits. I draw this one by concentrating on making a triangle with 3 rice shapes. Then I make a new triangle with one of the rice shape by putting 2 new rice shapes along. Not all the shapes are the same and make perfect triangles, but thats what I like about drawing this pattern. It looks very natural once they are embellished and shaded.
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