Chinese new year: year of the goat is this weeks theme for the diva challenge. Normally I am not so fond of themed challenges, and so I thought I would skio this week, the more because I am with my husband, children and their girlfriends in Rome (Italy). What a beautiful old city, with lots of beautiful buildings with lots of ornaments. Tangle inspiration. And once back in our appRtment, I couldn' resist my drawing pens and started to look for picture of the yeR of the goat. I found a very stylish design off a goats head, wich I transformed into a little pattern. 8 tried it in a tile, and after that I did use it as a border in my peactice notebook. I just couldn't stop and started a zendala in my notebook with for little goatheads too. After all a great challenge with lots of fun with my little goatheads.