In the kitchen table tangle series the most recent video is a cute video of Indy and Mazzy, showing us how to draw Zingo. What a performance, so pure, like real professionals they explained the steps and flow how to create a beautiful tile. Ofcourse I couldn't resist to try Zingo myself. I used a renaissance zendala and drew with black and pink micron 0.1, I even applied glitter on several lines, although this doesn't show up in the picture.
Na wat kleine experimenten in mijn note boek, heb ik een grid van 4 vierkantjes getekend op mijn tile en 4 klavertjes in waybop stijl getekend. Aangevuld met printemps en rixty, schaduw aanbrengen en klaar....
This week it is St, Patricks day, so Maria challenged the zentangle app users to post tiles using shamrocks drawn with waybop. After some experimenting in my notebook, I drew a grid of 4 squares on my tile, and drew 4 shamrocks with 4 leaves in waybop-style. Put some printemps and rixty on the side, some shadow, and ready is my contribution to the st. Patrick celebration.